5GLC Compact Gantry Milling Machine

5-axis gantry with top specification and TARUS durability built in the USA! TARUS has now entered the market of compact 5-axis gantry mills.

The 5GLC is designed to fit in existing machine rows in mold and aerospace machining facilities. The massive base allows for installation without a complex or costly foundation. Liquid cooled, thermal Isolated linear motors ensure thermal stability and machine accuracy during continuous heavy use.

With the new TARUS 5GLC, you will have top performance and specifications with factory direct support in the USA and Canada.

Machine Function
  • 3 and 5 axis CNC milling
  • Finish and semi finish milling of steel, iron, kirksite tools
  • High feed milling of aluminum tools and components
  • Deep-hole drilling at compound angles
Performance Features
Optional Features

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