Gundrilling Machines and BTA/STS Deep Hole drilling and milling machines

In 1973, TARUS unveiled our first gundrilling machine which was designed for injection mold and die cast die builders. TARUS was the first company to build purpose-designed gun drilling for drilling large molds and we continue to be the leader with our DHDM line of machines.

Our DHMS multi spindle BTA gundrilling machines are specialized machines for drilling tube sheets for critical applications such as nuclear power steam generators, fixed tube and sheet heat exchangers, shell-and-tube heat exchangers, and feed water heat exchangers.

Deep hole drilling is where the depth to diameter exceeds a 10:1 ratio, with D:d ratios found at 400:1 or greater. Deep hole drilling consists of two techniques: BTA drilling and gun drilling.

What is BTA drilling? BTA drilling stands for Boring and Trepanning Association which developed a deep hole drilling system in the 1940's. The process involves a single drill tube where high pressure coolant is supplied to the drill through an area between the drilled hole and the tube's outer diameter. The chips are then evacuated through the inner diameter of the tube.

Gun drilling is a technique where coolant is supplied by a hole in the tool. Chips are then evacuated through a groove that runs outside the length of the tool.

TARUS DHDM deep hole drilling and milling machines are specialized for mold makers and provide market leading functionality and capability.